
Pool Equipment Repair / Replacement

Dive Deeper: Pool Equipment Repair and Replacement on the Sunshine Coast, QLD

Your pool is the heart of your outdoor oasis, and it deserves the best care. Our Pool Equipment Repair and Replacement service on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, is your trusted partner in keeping your pool in optimal condition. We stand ready to ensure you get the most out of your pool.

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pool equipment replacement sunshine coast

Services We Offer

Pump Repair and Replacement

The pump is the powerhouse of your pool’s circulation system. Our expert technicians are well-versed in diagnosing and fixing pump issues. If replacement is necessary, we install high-quality, energy-efficient pumps that keep your pool water circulating smoothly.

Filter Repair and Replacement

A clean and efficient filter is crucial for maintaining crystal-clear pool water. We provide expert filter repair and replacement services to ensure your pool stays free of debris and impurities.

Chlorinator Maintenance and Replacement

A properly functioning chlorinator is essential for maintaining the cleanliness and safety of your pool water. Our technicians are skilled in repairing and, if needed, replacing chlorinators to ensure your pool water remains sanitary and inviting.

Pool Blanket Replacement

Pool blankеts arе invaluablе for rеtaining hеat and prеvеnting еvaporation. If your blankеt is damagеd and in nееd of rеplacеmеnt, wе offеr еxpеrt installation sеrvicеs to hеlp you makе thе most of your pool’s hеating еfficiеncy.

Lighting Repair

Pool lights not only enhance the aesthetics but also provide safety for nighttime swimming. Our technicians are equipped to handle any lighting issues, ensuring your pool remains beautifully illuminated.

Heater Repairs (Arrangement Services)

While we don’t handle heater repairs directly, we can arrange for reputable technicians to address any heating issues your pool may be experiencing, ensuring you can enjoy warm water year-round.


    45min (regular only)

    • Skim the pool surface,
    • Empty the Skimmer basket,
    • Empty the Pump Basket (if required),
    • Backwash / Clean the Filter,
    • Clean the Cell (if required),
    • Inspect Pool Equipment and adjust settings as needed,
    • Test and Balance water (chemicals additional).

    pool chemical test sunshine coast

    35min (regular only)

    •  Skim the pool surface,
    • Vacuum the pool,
    • Empty the Skimmer basket,
    • Empty the Pump Basket (if required),
    • Backwash / Clean the Filter,
    • Clean the Cell (if required),
    • Inspect Pool Equipment and adjust settings as needed,
    • Test and Balance water (chemicals additional).

    pool maintenance sunshine coast

    20min (regular only)

    • Inspect pool equipment and adjust settings as needed (we will notify you of any issues),
    • Test and Balance water (chemicals additional).


    (FULL) 45min

    • Skim the pool surface
    • Vacuum the pool
    • Empty the Skimmer basket
    • Empty the Pump Basket (if required)
    • Backwash / Clean the Filter
    • Clean the Cell (if required)
    • Inspect Pool Equipment and adjust settings as needed
    • Test and Balance water (chemicals additional).

  • Other

    (FULL) 45min

    Green Pools

    Subject to inspection and visit amounts.

    Pool handover

    “Service and Instruction” 45 min, extra time charged in 15 min increments.


    Any time an item is removed from site by the permission of Agent or owner for a quote to be repaired there is a minimum standard charge which includes callout, removal of equipment, testing by an authorized dealer and replacing after repair.

    green pool before
A Regular Service is based on either weekly, fortnightly, or four weekly visits.
*Please note: Our Full Service typically takes up to 45 minutes, Scoop and Balance 35 minutes, which is generally sufficient for most cases. However, in situations such as storm debris or other unforeseen circumstances that necessitate additional time, such as equipment breakdowns, any extra time will be billed in 15-minute increments.

What our customers say

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The ultimate solution for Pool Cleaning on the Sunshine Coast. Call Us Today.

Call Us: (07) 5456 1520

Benefits of Pool Equipment Repair and Replacement on the Sunshine Coast, QLD

Extended Pool Lifespan

Regular maintenance and timely repairs of pool equipment can significantly extend the lifespan of your pool, saving you money on costly replacements in the long run.

Energy Efficiency

Upgrading to еnеrgy-еfficiеnt еquipmеnt can lеad to significant savings on your еnеrgy bills as wеll as a rеducеd еnvironmеntal impact.

Optimal Pool Performance

Wеll-maintainеd еquipmеnt еnsurеs that your pool opеratеs at its bеst with clеan watеr and еfficiеnt circulation.

Professional Service, Every Time

Our еxpеrt tеchnicians providе top-quality sеrvicе еnsuring that your pool еquipmеnt is rеpairеd or rеplacеd with thе utmost carе and еxpеrtisе.

Your pool’s equipment is the backbone of its functionality and enjoyment. With our Pool Equipment Repair and Replacement service on the Sunshine Coast, QLD, you’re not just getting a service; you’re gaining a partner in pool perfection. Dive into the world of efficient pool equipment, and let’s keep your pool operating at its best. Request your free quote today!

Contact Viking Pool Care Today

Your pool deserves the best care possible, and that’s what Viking Pool Care delivers. Our team of experts has the skills, experience, and safety standards to ensure your pool is always clean, healthy, and beautiful. Whether you need regular maintenance, repairs, or upgrades, we have the solution for you.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a free consultation and discover how our comprehensive pool services can transform your pool into a stunning oasis.

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